Limenitis archippus (Cramer, 1776) Viceroy |
Synonyms: Limenitis disippe, Limenitis disippus, Anosia archippe, Nymphalis misippus, Nymphalis disippe, Nymphalis disippus, Basilarchia archippus, Basilarchia disippe |
Limenitis archippus ranges through most of central and eastern North America, from Northwest Territories in Canada to central Mexico. It is found in wet meadows, around lakes and swamps, in willow thickets, etc. The caterpillar feeds primarily on leaves of willows (Salix spp.) and poplars (Populus spp.). Adults drinks nectar from milkweeds and composites, including thistles, but also feed on carrion, decaying fruit, etc. The Viceroy flies from May to August in most of its range, but could be seen year-round in the south. This butterfly mimics the toxic Monarch (Danaus plexippus) and related danaids.